[Translate to English:] ASM

The HPA press department

Always well-informed: We regularly publish information about our responsibilities and port development as well as current figures and reports. You will find the latest news in our press releases. You will find more recent events in the archive. You really want to know? Our publications and studies provide exciting background information.

Stay updated and follow us on Youtube, Instagram and Xing.

Your Down­loads of the HPA press sec­tion

Here you can find all down­loads from the press sec­tion pre­filtered for you.

Sinje Pangritz

Your Contact to the press department

Do you have any ques­tions to the press of­fice of the Ham­burg Port Au­thor­ity?
Please con­tact:

Sinje Pangritz
Head of Corporate Communication / Press office of the Hamburg Port Authority

Tel. +49 40 42 84 7-2301

Send email

Marine infrastructure

Where can you find berths? Which registration forms do you need? Is a bridge blocked or threatened by floods? Our nautical center also navigates you through our port. Use our many services for port customers and residents.
[Translate to English:] ASW

Road traffic in the port

Whether you need real-time traffic information, our parking guidance system or truck parking spots, you will find everything you need.
[Translate to English:] ASW

Port railway

The harbor railway rolls: Directly to our guidelines, terms of use, charges or pre-registration for our loading tracks.
[Translate to English:] ASW

HPA on Instagram
