Fleet Management


Ham­burg’s Fleet Man­age­ment

Flotte Ham­burg (“Fleet of Ham­burg”) is a full-ser­vice provider, of­fer­ing both bare­boat char­ter as well as char­ter arrange­ments that in­clude qual­i­fied per­son­nel.

Since 2017 Flotte Ham­burg has bun­dled the city’s ves­sels into one fleet. By es­tab­lish­ing its own fleet, Ham­burg has cre­ated added value for the city and the port. Ham­burg’s city fleet cur­rently com­prises about 50 ships. The ma­jor­ity of these ships are river ves­sels ful­fill­ing a wide va­ri­ety of func­tions – from fire­fight­ing boats, po­lice boats, and hy­dro­graphic sur­vey­ing ves­sels to pilot boats, trans­port ships, and ice­break­ers. In ad­di­tion, the fleet op­er­ates a wet dredger, a suc­tion dredger sta­tion, and 40 barges.

This fleet man­age­ment sys­tem cre­ates syn­ergy ef­fects. Ships can be main­tained, re­paired, and pur­chased in a stan­dard­ised man­ner. A clever pool­ing strat­egy and mul­ti­func­tional de­ploy­ment ca­pa­bil­i­ties en­sure that the ships can be op­er­ated cost-ef­fec­tively. The build­ing of new ves­sels and ad­di­tional in­vest­ments are fi­nanced by the fleet it­self.

The team com­prises around 130 em­ploy­ees, most of which are ves­sel crew mem­bers, such as skip­pers and ship me­chan­ics. These em­ploy­ees work around the clock 365 days a year to keep the Port of Ham­burg run­ning smoothly. A small, highly ef­fi­cient team takes care of sched­ul­ing, main­te­nance man­age­ment, new con­struc­tion pro­jects, and ad­min­is­tra­tion.

The cre­ation of the fleet dates back to a res­o­lu­tion made by the Ham­burg Sen­ate in April 2016. The Sen­ate de­cided to merge the fleets of the Ham­burg Port Au­thor­ity (HPA), fire de­part­ment, WSP (water po­lice), and the LSGB (Ham­burg Agency of Roads, Bridges and Wa­ter­ways) into one mu­nic­i­pal fleet to be man­aged by the HPA. At the same time, the fleet man­age­ment team was charged with the re­newal of Ham­burg’s fleet of fire­fight­ing ves­sels. Fol­low­ing a pro­ject phase of about 1 year, prepa­ra­tions were com­pleted, and the new fleet man­age­ment team was able to com­mence op­er­a­tions on July 1, 2017. In order to en­able in­de­pen­dent and en­tre­pre­neur­ial busi­ness ac­tiv­i­ties as well as to en­sure a high level of trans­parency, the fleet man­age­ment was si­mul­ta­ne­ously spun off as a sub­sidiary of the HPA in the form of a GmbH & Co KG.

Flotte Ham­burg was set up to op­er­ate and char­ter out ships and float­ing fa­cil­i­ties with and with­out per­son­nel. We see our­selves as an over­all fleet man­ager for the river ves­sels of the City of Ham­burg. We stand for high avail­abil­ity, trans­parency, and cost sta­bil­ity and cre­ate added value through syn­er­gies. We also con­tinue to see our­selves as pi­o­neers in en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion and dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion.

Hamburg’s Fleet Management


The Flotte Ham­burg fleet cur­rently com­prises around 50 ves­sels. Most of these are river ves­sels that op­er­ate within the port. We also op­er­ate a wet dredger, a suc­tion dredger sta­tion, and 40 barges.

HPA on In­sta­gram
