Port navigation in the Port of Hamburg

Launches, ferries and supply ships: Just like the inner-city traffic the traffic in the port can get pretty hectic. To guarantee everything like the passenger tranportation and its rules operates smoothly, we look after the relevant authorizations and the necessary port watercraft master's certificate.

Special regulations and filing periods can be found here.

Port of Hamburg GTC 01.04.2021
Port of Hamburg STC Inland Shipping 01.04.2021
Port of Hamburg Pricelist Inland Shipping 01.04.2021

Port of Hamburg GTC 01.01.2022
Port of Hamburg STC Inland Shipping  01.01.2022
Port of Hamburg Pricelist Inland Shipping 01.01.2022

Please submit to the fee department for inland waterway and port transhipment (EBHS) a port usage declaration (tariff choice) online via the ELBA portal. Usage which goes beyond the scope of usage in the tariff chosen is to be applied for separately. For ships which undertake to use the port yet solely remain inside the port area, the choice of tariff is sufficient. Should these ships pass the port borders (Tinsdal/Oortkaten), the arrivel/departure into or out of the port area must also be announced via the ELBA portal. Do you have any queries regarding the standard terms and conditions for the port or regarding the ELBA portal? If so, please contact the fee department for inland waterway and port transhipment ebhs@hpa.hamburg.de

Your contact for berths

The prevailing Hafenamt (port authority) provides information about all berths:

Hafenamt West
Tel: 040 42847-2578

Hafenamt Ost
Tel: 040 42847-2581

Hafenamt Süd
Tel: 040 42847-1390

Hafenmant West

Hafenamt Ost

Hafenmant Süd

Questions concerning port patents

Contact for information about port patents:

Mr. Kühlke
Tel: 040 42847-2586

Mr. Kühlke

What to do in case of a storm surge

If your residence or business is located in an endangered area, you should be aware of the dangers, the warning channels and escape routes from the danger zone. You can get all the information here.
[Translate to English:] ASW

Bridges and locks

A total of 133 bridges link the islands on the River Elbe. We are responsible for their conversion and new construction. In order to have a free journey, you will find all opening and operating times as well as contact details for the registration.
[Translate to English:] ASW


Current traffic reports, downloads of forms and more as well as contact persons at the HPA- here you will find everything.
[Translate to English:] ASW

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