Hamburg Speicherstadt Elbphilharmonie


Thanks to our holistic concept, we keep the port and people in motion. We are a knowledgeable port manager, public institute and modern service provider, enabling us to guarantee a reliable port infrastructure. Together with our subsidiaries Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co KG, Cruise Gate Hamburg GmbH (CGH) and Cruise Gate Hamburg Terminal Eigentum Gesellschaft mbH (TEG), we ensure safe transport routes, an attractive cruise ship location and efficient communication both on the water and on land. Innovative technologies and intelligent solutions help us make the port an important economic motor for the entire country – driving the value chain, leveraging development opportunities and strengthening its international position for the long term.

kilometres of quay walls
hectares of port area
wagons everyday make Hamburg the second largest port for railways in the world
seagoing vessels arrive in Hamburg every year

Company Strategies

To be ready for the future – preparing for the future

The Port of Hamburg is the logistics centre for the North of Germany and as such one of the supports for economic growth.
Our job is to ensure maximum efficiency, safety and economy in all areas of the port infrastructure. The processes necessary for this are supported by optimised IT and communications technologies.
Committed and future-orientated thinking and trading are the foundation for our day-to-day work: Our aim is not only to provide the conditions for a growing port, rather to actively promote and shape this development. That is the aim of the HPA – this is where all of our efforts come together.

Port Hamburg dock

All clear in the port – both now and in the future

The HPA stands at the intersection of the port's daily routine and its future.
Our daily job is to provide a precise and reliable port infrastructure, dependable transport paths and efficient, transparent communication both marine and land-based.
With a view to the future of the Port of Hamburg, we are constantly looking for innovative approaches to allow us to sustainably exploit the growth potential of the port and strengthen and expand its position in the long term. Solution- and future-orientated thinking and trading define our work in all divisions and form the basis for a unifying concept for the Port of Hamburg, both now and in the future.

Corruption prevention

Corruption prevention at the Hamburg Port Authority

Stamping out corruption

Corruption occurs in many different forms. Alongside bribery and granting of unlawful advantage, a whole series of other aspects are covered by this term.

Typical of this is primarily the abuse of a function or position within a company or authority for personal gain. Corruption is a problem for the whole economy. It undermines trust in the integrity and operation of companies and causes considerable damage. This is why at the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), corruption prevention is a permanent task, both for the Management Board and for each individual employee.

To this end, the HPA has set up a corruption prevention committee. The director of the Services Division and the directors of the Law and Committees, Internal Audit, Central Purchasing and Personnel business units are here responsible for preparing guidelines and developing measures to detect and prevent corruption. Here the committee adopts a zero-tolerance strategy. Clear guidelines and a code of practice should also contribute to all concerned having a clear awareness of where corruption starts in everyday working practice.

Thus, for example, the HPA has developed an internal control system. The internal control system contains various measures and rules for avoiding corruption. Amongst other things this includes the introduction of a "tip-off" management system:

The anti-corruption office acts as a point of contact, should irregularities or infringements against internal codes of practice or guidelines be observed or suspected.

External service providers, suppliers or business partners can also, in cases of suspicion, contact the HPA.

The ombudsman of the Hamburg Port Authority

You can contact Dr Carsten Thiel von Herff on
Phone: +49 521 91 41 40
Mobile: +49 151 58 23 03 21

Postal address:
Dr. Carsten Thiel von Herff, LL. M. Sozietät Streitbörger Speckmann
Adenauerplatz 4
33609 Bielefeld

The Ombudsmann of the Hamburg Port Authority

Dr. Carsten Thiel von Herff

ombudsman Dr. Cars­ten Thiel von Herff

Corruption prevention at the Hamburg Port Authority

Corporate Governance Code

Declaration of Compliance to the Hamburg Corporate Governance Codex (HCGC)

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Hamburg Port Authority hereby declare (german only):

The Hamburg Port Authority and its subsidiaries CGH Cruise Gate Hamburg GmbH, CGH Terminaleigentumsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG and CGH Terminaleigentumsverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG and Flotte Hamburg Verwaltungs-GmbH complied with all regulations of the Hamburg Corporate Governance Codex, which are the responsibility of the respective Management Boards and Supervisory Boards, in the 2019 financial year (points 3 to 7 of the HCGK and their sub-points). The subsidiaries CGH Cruise Gate Hamburg GmbH, CGH Terminaleigentumsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG and CGH Terminaleigentumsverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Flotte Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG and Flotte Hamburg Verwaltungs-GmbH do not have a Supervisory Board. In the 2019 financial year, they complied with all regulations of the Hamburg Corporate Governance Codex which are the responsibility of the respective Management Boards.

One member of the Supervisory Board attended only one of the four meetings of the Supervisory Board in 2019 (section 5.4.8 HCKG).

Corporate Governance Kodex

Hamburg, 11. December 2019

Environmental policy

We act responsibly

The Hamburg Port Authority introduces environmental guidelines because it is very aware of the area of conflict between port and environment. The aim of the guidelines is to protect and care for natural resources. Moreover, sustainable development must be promoted and environmental protection be firmly positioned in our thinking and approach.

The HPA basis for any environmental management is the binding specification of an environmental policy. The HPA recognises its responsibility for environmental protection explicitly by way of environmental guidelines. The reduction of emissions and consumption, avoidance of waste, increases in efficiency and the improvement of environmental performance are essential corporate goals.

Environmental policy


Whether it's on the water or the street, on the rail or the bridge: we inform you about the traffic in the port of Hamburg.
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